

Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Well i just got home and was looking at my angel when i noticed that she almost has like a bruise above her eye. Like she got punched. Its under the scales. Its redish blueish. Kinda like a bruise. Do you think this is seroius? Did she run into the live rock or scratch herself, the royal gramma? Ill try to get picks up soon to hopefully help. Im also doing a water change to maybe see if that will help. Shes also very active and swimming kind of like a clownfish swims. Shes swimming all over the front of the tank/glass up and down into evry orner. Ive never seen an angel fish swim like this?

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Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
After further observation he is scratching it on the rock. He just stays in his little tunnel now scratching it on the rock, is this some sort of parasite? i cant get a pic because its dark and he wont come out. The positive to this is that my royal gramma is now exploring the rock work and for the first time coming out in the open. Any Help at all please!?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
The most likely canidate is Internal Bacterial Infection. I dont have a QT tank set up at the moment, how should i do that. The only medication i have right now is quick cure and i dont think that will work. If i do save him, he will be going back to the LFS because he is the reason the gramma is hiding. Hes probably the most aggressive dwarf angel ive seen. lol. Isnt internal bacterial infection had to get rid of?

Jun 29, 2008
hmmm. kind of sounds like he has ich. my royal gramma did the 'scratching himself' dance with some of the LR and then a few days later he had those infamous white spots!