Greedy Goldfish, Hungry Pleco


New Fish
Sep 4, 2003
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Hi! I have 2 goldfish and a common pleco in a 30 gallon tank. The pleco's 5 inches long and I don't think there's enough algae in the tank for him so I drop algea wafers in but the goldfish get the wafers first. Are there any foods the pleco will eat that the goldfish won't? I had a pleco die once for no apparent reason and I am starting to think he starved because my goldfish are voracious eaters! I have tried to distract them to one end of the tank with flake food while the algea wafers go in the other end but they eat the flakes in 3 minutes and discover my poor pleco's dinner and start eating that 2 minutes after that. Do any of you have any ideas? My pleco's changing colors and looking grouchy these days and I am concerned about him!


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Pleco's love zuchinni and cucumber too. Although I have no idea if the goldfish will eat that as well.

I think goldfish will eat anything they can fit in their lil mouths. maybe that's why bigger fish love to eat them, a complete balanced meal :D

Sep 4, 2003
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The zucchini did the trick. Now I have a new worry - the violence in my tank! The goldfish and pleco fought over it and the pleco won - sort of - he chased the goldfish away about 100 times. They kept coming back to try to steal his dinner & he kept fighting them off. I am happy to see Grumpy (my pleco) finally stand up for himself, I just hope no one gets hurt. Maybe my greedy goldfish will learn to leave his squash alone...


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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maybe throw in two slices hehehe:D i wanted to ask since i read the title...did you intend Greedy Goldfish, Hungry Pleco, to sound like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? it kind of sounded like that and cracked me up for a second:D

Sep 4, 2003
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I bought him that big thinking that if he were big maybe my goldfish wouldn't drive him nuts. They are still fighting, now they fight over the algae wafers. Grumpy wins. He is a new fish since the squash incident. Grumpier than ever! And no longer a wimp.

As for the title of this thread, I wasn't thinking about the movie title, although now it would be appropriate with the way my fish are fighting!