Green Spotted Puffer


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
GSP's are brackish fish while they are young, but need to be in full marine as they get older. They will get quite big and will need at least 30 gallons or more. Read this for more info:Brackish Water Puffers.

I used to keep a molly with my puffers but removed him because he harassed the puffers. Limi has a GSP, maybe she will have more info.

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Large Fish
May 5, 2006
My GSP is a great little fellow...rescued him from certain freshwater-flake-food-only death at Walmart. He was quite tiny when I first got him and I kept him in with my yellow labs (29 gal) for about a month until I realized he needed his own environment. (Suprisingly, the cichlids and the GSP never scrapped....figure that one out) He is now in his own 29 gal. tank and he is happy as a clam....even happier when I let him eat clams....I buy him ghost shrimp so he can hunt them down and eat them...seems to keep him pretty occupied...I ended up getting three tiny guppy fry in one of my ghost shrimp parcels and he hasn't touched them...they have grown quite large and seem to be thriving in the brackish water...I would encourage you to get a GSP when you have the tank space and the time to manage a brackish habitat (really not so much work)...Their personalities are so un-fishy, they are comical and professional beggars! Good luck and do keep us posted!


Large Fish
May 5, 2006
#8 my Walmart the GSP's were the "May FIsh O The Month" so I was really really hoping that they wouldn't get it is Sept and they are still getting them...ARGHHHHH....

Went by there the other day and saw about four or five of the little guys, terrible coloration, almost all their fins chewed down to stubs, and sadly emaciated..... I was so pissed about it that I found the pet section lady and asked her what they fed them "Flakes" she said....I told her that flake food was entirely unacceptable and she says "That's probably why they die all the time" and I just wanted to scream at her ignorance....

Anyway... Good luck!