Green Terror Compatibility


Medium Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Saint Louis
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I was reading on another website somewhere that my GT is compatible with Figure Eight Puffers. I would like to put a couple other small fish in there with him, but will these work? They are pretty aggressive themselves so I am guessin they will. Any experience with this or suggestions? Thanks


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
mixing a large south american cichlid and a brackish species of puffer is not a good idea IMO.

while the figure 8's can be kept in freshwater set-ups (as i am told at least) their long term survival i would not think would be great, aside from the fact that puffers are some of the worst fin-nippers out there.

i have my green terror with a jack dempsey and a couple of oscars.

the compatibility of large cichlids depends upon SO many factors i wont even try to list them- but in my own experience with green terrors, i would say that they are similar to jack dempseys as far as aggression is concerned, but not quite as aggressive as devils, midas, trimacs, managuense, etc.

oscars work also, as long as the oscar has some kind of size advantage over the GT.

what size tank do you keep him in and what other tankmates do you already keep with him?


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
pufferfish are a bad ideal with any fish at all from my experience, i think they are unique but quite evil and should be kept alone. i bought one for $22 (b/c it was cute and i hadn't yet learned od doing research before buying), it was a mistake. so far it has almost totaled a large dempsey, a firehead, a large pictus, a jewel cichlid, my dragonfish goby, 2 oscars, 2 big pacus, and a pleco. sigh*** not only do they have big teeth, but they have wicked bad precision with those freaky eyes of thiers. lol so i gave it to my little brother. it is however pretty entertainingg to watch it destroy a worm in less than 10secs after it is dropped in the tank (heh heh just to give you an ideal of how they react to anything else dropped into the tank). they are almost worst than piranahs (no offense b/c they are pretty neat), twice as aggressive and poisonous for anything to eat, plus if it did get challenged in a fish fight it wouldn't possibly be eaten b/c it is a pufferfish. ok im done now. sorry. just had to express the consequences of buying one