Green Terror no eating......


New Fish
Apr 22, 2003
Holly Springs NC
Visit site
I have a 9" Green Terror that has stopped eating. About two months ago, I moved him from a very small 20 gal to a 44 gal Hex Front. He loves to comeout and try to attack everyone he sees. But in the last month, he has decided he doesn't like the cichlid pellets I've always given him. He seems perfectly healthy and fiesty as ever, but he doesn't seem to like the food anymore. He must be eating, but I can't figure out what. There are only two corys and a snail in the tank with him (everything else he's killed). He is constantly digging in the rocks, so I imagine he probably eating food from there as he digs.
When I first move him to the 44gal, I bought him some feeders. It took him a really long time to eat them though. I guess what I need is some suggestions for food I can give him. I know he doesn't like the freeze-dried krill. And the only thing I don't like about the feeders is how they tank seemingly always gets ick or something when I put them in.

Thanks in advance for the feedback.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
are you sure that he is not eating?

fish like green terrors usually dont have any eating problems unless there is some other problem going on.

do you know your ammonia, nitrites, nitrates etc. ?

what are you filtering your tank with?

how often and how large-scale are your water changes?

what are the other tank inhabitants?


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
oh, wait a sec, i just now noticed that you said he is 9 inches!!! whew, that's a big one!

a 44 gallon is really pusing the limits of bio-load for him by himself....a 55 gallon (larger is better) for a single adult is really needed for that kind of fish.

i suspect your problem might be related to water quality....a fish that big in a smaller tank with other fish puts a heck of a strain on your parameters.

anything less than a 30% weekly water change is inadequte IMO.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2003
western canada
not eating...

its common for fish to go off thier diet when they are moved or stressed out.
If the water chemistry checks out ok, temp. is where it should be, and there are no obvious signs of disease, and all external factors ( tank location, noise, etc) has been accounted for, then you just have to wait for him to regain his appetite.

Ive often used a garlic extract to encourage fish to start eating again, as garlic is a antural appetite stimulant.
Kent make Garlic Extreme, and Seachem makes garlic guard. Both very effective.

Hope this helps
