green terror or texas cichlid?


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
got a 75 gallon up and running and was wondering which one to go with. I will get three of them; keep the 2 male and female ones (since i was told they are impossible to sex when they're young i will get 3 to up the chances of getting a pair). i have no experience with either so was wondering if anyone did and which one has more personality? also, how long will it take a 3" one to grow up to about 9"?


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2006
i have read a lot about each and it sounds like the green terror's are more aggressive. i think that i will go with those almost positively. i'm located in ND, far from most people. i will be getting them in mid january since i am home for xmas break until then. how large are your gt's?