green terror trouble

Oct 22, 2002
Monroe North Carolina
I have 2f and 1m. One of the f has tripled the size of other f and outgrown the male. They bred and successfully had many fry. Put in a tank divider to keep other f from being beat up. Had to remove male to other side for same reason. Never noticed him eating the fry, she was really beating on him and he stayed in a cave and wouldnt come out to eat. Several weeks later they would swim together at the divider and she was not flairing at him so we put them together again. Next morning all babies are gone, male in cave, his fins are shredded!
Since fry is gone, I removed divider. She is still very aggressive. I am looking for a home for the other female. Will she remain this way. Should I put the divider back in? It is not as bad as it was. And will the male regrow his fins. She is not that much bigger than the male, just wider. I dont understand why he lets her bully him, not defending himself at all.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
How large is your tank?

Females can present a severe problem if not given enough space to protect their fry. For GT's, I would say they need at least 40 gallons per adult (6") fish. My male GT rules the roost in my 100g. I'd hate to see him in heat. He eats frozen food by the cube. I'd love to add a mate for my GT, but I know good and well he would kill every other fish in the tank.

The male will recover easily. It's important that you feed him well. Frozen foods such as blood worms and beef heart are great. If you can, feed him feeder fish 2-3 times per week, as much as he can eat at once. I keep two 10 gallon tanks with livebearers that I raise myself. I feed them highly nutritious foods and keep them healthy, so I know what is in the fish I give my fish. Flakes are ok, but do not expect your GT to get by on them alone. To them, flakes are like Slim Fast--it's good for vitamins. They need steak every now and then!

It's kind of funny, my Texas cichlid who is 4 times smaller than the GT acts like he's the man when the GT is not present; he will pick on the others and shoo them away, that is until the GT shows up. He then runs like all the rest!

"I dont understand why he lets her bully him, not defending himself at all."

You must not be married :D

Oct 22, 2002
Monroe North Carolina
They are in a 55g. Lots of caves and rocks for hiding. Female is 5" and very "wide". Male is 5" also. Other female is almost 3". They love blood worms, but won't touch beefheart or brine shrimp. Scared to do "live food", they would come from lfs. Don't trust the stock of feeder fish. It has really amaized me how the breeding female had the massive growth spert. I am going to take smaller f to lfs, if I cant find a home for her soon.

I am married 8 years, and though I beat I hubby daily, I didnt expect this out of my m green terror:D *crazysmil