Ok, some of you may know that during Hurricane Jeanne here in Fl. and us moving into our new house the day after, we lost a lot of our fish (my favorites...the Columbian Sharks included). So, just recently we purchased a South American Green Terror for the 55 gallon because my hubby really likes Cichlids . Anyway, my larger Golden Gourami (we have two) was the boss of the tank until this guy came along and now (for the past 2 weeks) he has been staying away from the Green Terror who does chase him if they get too close to one another. I thought Green Terrors (or Cichlids in general) only messed with fish that were smaller than them or other Cichlids of different origins??...the Gourami is 4 inches and the Cichlid is 3 inches. Is this normal or do we need to have a species tank? I do not want my Gourami's or Pleco to end up dead because of this little terrorist.