Green Terror?


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
Hi my 120 gallon is kinda boring and empty with just my 11" Oscar and 7"ish Pike

I just got a juvi Jack Dempsy hes prob about 3" right now he is in my 29 community tank for a very temp situation, i am going to put a divder in the 120

now my question at hand, would a Green Terror fit into this tank as well? or is he too... for a lack of better words "submissive" from what i am reading they arnt as aggressive as a Jacks or Oscars

but my Oscar is really a gental giant, my pike on the other hand he is just one bad motha who dont take nothin from nobody *laughingc

ohh yeah btw, i have a clown knife, but he is hiddin during the day and is relativly small, i plan on finding him a new home once he gets larger


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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I have a GT and Dempsey's and the two fought for about an hour of lip locking. I was hoping one would finally back down, but didn't. So, I had to put the GT in another tank by his self or they probably would have killed eachother. They even grew up together, and the GT was always boss, until the Dempsey wanted to be king of the tank. Now, I can't put anything in with the GT because he is so aggressive. Such a big bully.
The size of your tank might make a big difference though, lots more room.
They are really beautiful fish. It's just too bad mine can't get along with anybody else.
Good luck to ya.


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2004
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I gotta say about 4-5" when they really started getting bad. Then like I said, the one day, nither one wanted to back down. I had them both together since they were just an inch or so. But I had them in a 65gal tank. In your tank, there's more room and maybe both can claim one side of the tank and not even notice the other. Can't say for sure..... Again, Good Luck to ya.
BTW, do you have a GT already? If not, they are really cool fish, but don't want to tell you that they would get along, cuz maybe they will, maybe they won't. You never know. But I'm very proud of mine. He's just georgeous. Beautiful colors.
Keep us up to date if you do get one.......