Green Tree Leather droop?

Jan 9, 2005
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I've just gotten a green tree frag from a friend and so it's just recently been fragged and cut. I've got it attatched via elastic to a small peice of liverock. At first the frag looked really good, bounced back really quickly and had spread out it's "limbs" like it was originally...not exactly, but promising. But now it's kinda started to droop, it started near the end of the photoperiod so i'm wondering if it's normal for the leather to droop at night, or if it's just normal reaction from being fragged, or if it's strange?

Jan 9, 2005
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ugh, things dont look better. It's drooped more, and it seems that it's kinda rotting on one side of it.i just moved it kinda with the end of the fish net and it kinda "smoked". i really want this to live, any suggestions or more things you need to know?

Jan 9, 2005
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I've done some reading and from what i can see it's necrotic, but that's just me judging from other pictures. is this likely from something that's just been fragged? everywhere i've read suggests cutting it away and then stitching it to a rock, does anyone here think that's a good idea to do right away or should i watch over a day or so to see if it gets worse?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well, generally speaking fragged leathers survive very well provided they do not get infected during the fragging/recovery process. first thing i would do is some water tests, if everything looks good and you are sure it is tissue death then you could try cutting out the infected part. using thread/fishing line to sew it down shouldn't have caused a problem

Jan 9, 2005
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oh and which one of my params would be most likely to have this effect on fragging the coral?

My nitrites are at approximately .02 to .03
my ammonia is at .06 - .08 or so. I'm thinking this might be a slight problem?

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Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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I read that this coral is sometimes hard to acclimate in a new tank, and hates shipping but in the long run, he'll be hardy.
I had 2 kenya tree frags stitched and an infection occured..they didn't grew in an other tank, not in my tank either. I also had another one that came along but not stitched and it's the only one alive. Found the others rotten 2 days ago ( 86.5 degree isn't helping, even with MH off during 3 days ) but the color was whiteish around the stiches. I tried different locations/lighting..nothing worked. :confused:
Ammonia and nitrites in your tank..not cool.

BTW Got an interesting link for nitrites...might be less toxic than we think in SW tank :


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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i doubt the ammonia is affecting your leather that much--as it has been said, leathers are very tough: mine's been battling algae growing on its surface for a month and it has finally shown some polyp expansion for the first time in awhile--so your leather may have a chance

Jan 9, 2005
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well thanks everyone but i just fragged it yesterday and i had to throw away almost 90% of it...was all rotten, and it was only in my tank for just over a day. i've got a small frag going that seems to be doing better, but it's just a waiting game from here in.