Greetings to All

Sep 15, 2003
I've had fish for personal enjoyment for many years. Recently, the tank got out of hand because of its placement in the house; sunlight was bouncing off every light-colored wall, plus the ceiling and floor. I recently cleaned house and moved the tank to a new and better location.

In general, I prefer fish which tend to school, especially cardinal tetras. I also like active swimmers like zebra danios who also school somewhat. My tank is 55 gallons and along with the zebras and tetras, I have a couple of cats and four marble scalare. I'll slowly be adding several more. I'm trying a couple of different plants, but I rely on water sprite, especially for floating top cover, mixed with duckweed. Once it achieves a thickness of a couple of inches, I'll introduce some live-bearers.

I maintain a farm with my wife, and I write fiction. For those curious, visit It's nice to be here and reacquaint myself with some facts about tropicals.