

Large Fish
Jul 16, 2004
As there's no space on this forum set aside to introduce yourself, hopefully it won't be a matter if I do it here.

My name is Aaron. I've been maintaining saltwater tanks for just over 12 years. Before that I primarily raised cichlids, live breeders, and a few simple fresh water invertibrates (which I still do to some degree).

Following the most devistating crash (reef tank) I've ever had, I've gone to fish only. The days of painstaking inverts are over, for now, and have given way to goldfish damsels mycids and ghost shrimp swimming for their lives from my newly aquired triggers and lion. My aquarium is in anger management mode.

Judging by the few posts I've read here, I see that many of you put a lot of time and money into your tanks. I've also notices a love for the hobby which is next to impossible to match in the forums I've visited lately consirning the topic.

I appologize for the novel, and hope to contribute what I have to offer to your pages.


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Superstar Fish
Mar 30, 2004
actually, there is a forum for introducing yourself...but oh well. welcome to the tank! saltwater tanks for 12 years, eh? sweet. i like cichlids myself. what kind have you had and what are your favorites? what tank size(s) do you have? i agree, is full of fishkeepers with a love for the hobby, moreso than people on other forums i think. again, welcome to the tank! youll like it here


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the tank :D

By the way, the forum only shows posts from the last 30 days by default. You can change that on the drop-down menu at the bottom of the lists of posts. There is a core of saltwater fishkeepers here that are pretty active and knowledgable. :)


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2004
My appologies, I didn't bother looking at the bottom for the introduction forum. If any admin passes through here, would you please move this to the proper thread?

My baby is a 150 w/75 sump. Before the crash it was stocked with mostly soft inverts... mushrooms, colonial and star polyps, leathers, etc. There was, however one piece of live rock that some may have mixed feelings about. It was a large chunk taken from Grand Cayman while on vacation. While there, my brother in law sent 3 pieces back from his honeymoon. BEAUTIFUL piece to say the least. Or at least it was :(

My second "main" tank is an 85 w/55 sump. This has been filled with primarily live rock and misc inverts that the rock produced. This tank is temporarily down, as it's always been more of a "trading tank" as I call it. I trade the liverock I've grown in the 85 for fish, inverts, etc. Not really a high maintenance aquarium.

You asked about my favorite fish... Of all the fish I've had, the two favorites hands down have to be a jouvenile Red Choris Wrasse, and a Sail Fin Blenney. There's no similarity between the two, but they're both amazing animals. Pick one?!? okay, the Blenney. Little guy with a whales attitude. It's like he doesn't realize he's the smallest fish in the tank.

Along with my salt tanks, (one now second is being cycled for setup) I have my goldfish tank:
55gal glass w/250 or so gold fish, 50 ghost shrimp, 2 6" plecos

29 gal glass w/50 or so feeder guppies, 12 ghost shrimp, 4 oto's

2X 5 gal plastic w/1pkt Triops.

5 gal plastic brine shrimp breeder tank

Note: all the fresh tanks are for feeders only. At present I don't have any cichlid breeding tanks up and producing, may not have for some time as I now have a space issue. Normally I have 2X 55gal tanks dedicated to my favorite freshwater fish, the Kribensa (sp).


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Welcome to the forum. Its nice having another experienced person with us. A 150 is a nice size tank for a fish only. What kinds of fish do you have?

Sam Reef


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2004
Right now I have 3 triggers (picasso, niger, blue chin), a lion, a foxface rabbit, and a new snowflake eel. Things may change in the future, however, it's nice to just feed and be done with the week's maintenance. A nice change of pace.

I have no plans for the 85 yet, again, it's kind of nice to have a break from constant maintenance. I used most of the liverock to get my tank up and running again, eventually it'll probably be back to it's old job of supporting my habit. In general, my tanks pay for themselves with little money out of my pocket. If you have the patience and space for it, it's really quite satisfying to say this tank paid for that.

Thanks for the warm welcome all :)