
Hello MyFishTank! This is Matt from ThatFishPlace posting in our new forum. I'll try and keep you guys up-to-date on what's going on at our store, online and new products and such. If you have any questions regarding anything aquarium or pet, I've got access to the aqua and pet-heads here so I can help you out there too. Feel free to run stuff by me, or if you have a question or comment about your order, we're all about feedback so you can write that too!

In the meantime, if you haven't noticed the flashy banner that pops up occassionally on the site here, we're offering FREE SHIPPING on orders over $100 dollars until February 18th. Just take a trip over to for the promo codes and more details.

Also, our head on-staff marine biologist Dave Acland keeps a blog at "That Fish Blog" where he recently made posts on the Splendid Dottyback fish and Sexual Reproduction in Coral. Check those out too and make comments!

Anyway, enjoy the sale and good luck with your systems!


Matt from That Fish Place

Canadian Shipping

Well that's a yes and a no about the shipping. We DO ship to Canada. Unfortunately though, the free shipping promo doesn't apply to international orders. So if you want it, we can get it to you, we just can't help you out with the shipping discount this time.

Thanks for your post!

Matt from TFP *DRUMMER*