Grey stuff on Mimic Angel


Small Fish
Jul 13, 2003
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I have a 90gal tank and I recently added two mimic angels. As soon as I put them in the tank they started to get this grey/brown substance on them. They also began to scratch against the live rock. I have been having pretty big temp fluctuations around 4 degrees. I think they have marine velvet? I am not sure though. Can I treat them without taking them out of the tank? My tank is otherwise fine when it comes to ph/trite/trate/etc.. I even had my local fish store fun a check of my water and they told me it was in all the normal ratios as well. The only thing I can think of is that my temperature is all wrong and I need to stabalize it. Thanks


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Chicago, Illinois
If they do have marine velvet, you would be better off taking them out of the tank and placing them in a hospital tank, because the chemicals you use to treat diseases would most likely cause harm for the live rock, it may not kill all of it, but it would sure damage some of it. How is the ammonia in your tank? How long has your tank been running? Ammonia can be a silent killer, and if you have an ammonia spike it can turn fish a greyish color. It happened to me once before, and I lost my domino damsel while cycling. The temperature fluctuation shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it depends on how fast it changes, and certain fish are obviously more sensitive to change then others. I would test the ammonia. I am guessing your tank is pretty new, did you cycle it first, or are you cycling with mimic angels?


Small Fish
Jul 13, 2003
Visit site
My tank is has been running about 6 months now. I cycled it using some live sand and turbo cycle stuff the fish store sold me. I added some damsels about a month after cycling and they are doing fine. No problems with them. My problem is that I have to take my water in to get tested so I cant check it at home. But last week they said it was within the proper lvls. I should start testing at home. do you know of a good book to help out a beginner with the proper levels in the tank ph/ammonia/alk etc..? The tank temperature fluctuates on a daily basis between 75 -78 deg. Should I get a heater tokeep it stable? Every thing else in the tank is doing fine except my 2 mimic angels.
Thanks for any help in advance as you can see I am lost.
90gl salt 1maroon clown 1neon goby 1 coral band shrimp 1cardinal fish 7 blue damsels (which i hate) 2 mimic angels 2 camel shrimp 2 cleaner shrimp 1 bubble tipped anenome and about 40lb of live rock

Aug 3, 2003
Laurel, MD
It is most likely velvet. To answer yout question, a heater is a must. I am sorry to ehar that your angel died, but hope for you that none other is infected. I would also recommend that you do not handle any fish in your tank for a while or even stick in your hands without gloves or a full cut inspection. The fish might have died of TB (Tuberculosis) and is transmitable to humans. They often show similar symptoms, however TB would kill the fish faster. Since you jsut got the fish recently and can't be ceertain that it isn't TB, take caution.
Hope this helps you out for your own sake.