gross tank water...


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
so, my tank looks green and hazy (guessing algea in the water). what can be done without killing the fish & the other plants/beneficial algea? or should I just leave it alone? I did a filter change on monday, but it was already this gross... at the time I thought it was b/c the filter badly needed changing... the comet tank that had been in the same condition on monday & had the same filter change is clear by today (sorry, no pics yet of their tank)

my guppy/shrimp/neon/fry tank looks like this, however overcrowded it is at the some fry soon.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
1. What on god's green earth are you using for a tank stand? Something is going to give.
2. Could be dirty. Could be overfeeding.
3. What are you doing for lighting? I had a similar thing happen, but it turned out I was leaving my lights on too long and had too much light for the tank to support. I left my lights off for a few days and reduced the light wattage overall.