
Dec 8, 2004
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So i finally got my 10 gallon restarted with filter, heater, extra good bacterial stuff and everything and i added some little female bettas along with my OLD female betta. well the old one decided that she was a lot stronger than the ones from the petshop and got a bite out of every one of them. i removed her and put her in a little vase- should i try adding her later when the other girls get stronger? i know petshop conditions aren't so great so they're probably not very up to health....


Small Fish
Jun 22, 2004
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Hmmm, not an easy answer i'm afraid. Even female bettas can become extremely hostile and territorial towards each other. This could last indefinitely, (until one of them dies that is...), or could last only until the order of the bettas within the group is decided. There is no way to be certain i guess; it depends on the character of the individual female. What i can tell you is that i am currently running a 10G tank with 3 female bettas (no male of course!) with no problems at all. They fought the first couple of days but after the hierarchy was decided now they even sleep next to each other! Good luck...


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
The problem with Bettas is that they all have their own character. If you try again in a few weeks the smaller less strong fish will probably be larger and stronger, thay willl probably feel more at home and have staked out their territries. it SHOULD work out... But there again you may just have a stroppy femail who won't give in... You just have to suck it and see really.
Good luck