grrr, another bunk heater.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
if you havent noticed, i have bad luck with heaters. well inmy 5.5 i have a 100w i got very cheap brand new at pet supp plus. it was a decent name but i cant remember the name of it. well ive been using it for awhile but when i did a wc today i must have forgot to unplug it. it worked fine all day but when i got hme i looked closer and noticed i have a little water in it. i took it out and realize i have a small crack on it, its not broken yet, just cracked, i put some aquarium silicone on it, do you think this will effect it? im gonna buy another but from big al's, i just wanna make this one work for a few weeks.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
Did you get the water out of it?I would think you have a chance of electrocuting your fish if it's got too much water in there.I would take it back and get it replaced.How old is it?Do you have a guarantee/warantee?

While its in this condition switch it off before you put your hands in the water.You should probably do that anyway whather cracked or not.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I would be a little affraid of putting a 100w in a 5 gallon. Heaters do get stuck in the on position, and that much of a heater would for sure fry the tank and all that is in it.

I have a 25w hang on back (would have prefered a submersable, but for $7 it works well) on my 5 gallon tank and it works great and keeps it nice and stable.

Your question: I don't know how hot the surface of a heater actualy gets, but I would not use any heater with a crack period. The glass will expand some as most materials do when heated, and I don't know if the silicone would be good enough to keep water out.

I would be very leary of using it now. Get a new one ASAP.

I would get a fully submersable one. One of the great things about these is that you can place them in the lower parts of the tank which will not only help distribute heat, but keep it under water during water changes.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
i got this one for 8.99, the 25, 75, and 100w were all the same price, on clearance. so i just picked the highest one thinking i may need it on another tank someday. i did get the water out and i spread some silicone on it. i really cant afford another one till friday, so hopefully this will do the job or ill lose all my convict fry. it does in fact shut off if the water that gets in the tube reaches a certain point. so there shouldnt be any chance of electrocuting a fish. hopefully it makes it till friday, worse comes to worse, im out a bunch of fry, i can always put a female back in with the male and 100 more in a week

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
i got something called a junior heater at walmart on sale for 6$, no thermostat, submersible. i put it in there and plugged it in, it doesnt have a light to tell you if its on or not, but my water is at normal tempature now and is staying pretty stable, these might be a nice buy, but wouldnt help for fighting ick if u needed to turn up the heat.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I don't like those junior heaters from wal mart at all. 4 out of 6 didn't heat the water at all, and the other two only worked for a short period of time before they stoped all togeather.

No, that hydor heater is different than the wal mart ones. These are cylindrical in shape, not flat.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
ahh, well at least its from wal mart, if u take something back there and throw a fit they'll usually replace it, if i knew it didnt have a thermostat i wouldnt have bought it, ill keep a close eye on it tho.