grrr... my crazy betta

Dec 8, 2004
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my female betta is in a 1 gallon vase (no plants, just her and her marbles) and for some reason tonight, she's decided to swim to the bottom and just lie there with her fins clamped. when i walk by, she'll swim up and unclamp her fins. i walk away, and she swims back down to the exact same spot. i just did a water change today, but i did the same water change i do every week. what do you think is the matter?

May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
(no plants, just her and her marbles)
...well it's good to see someone hasn't lost their marbles!!!
sorry couldn't resist.

Do you do water tests? What are the #'s? That may help figure what is wrong...temp too. Maybe she is just bored? A fake plant or 2 would give her something to play around and rest or hide in. Or a mirror, females flare right?

Mine expects to be fed everytime it sees me (all day, most everyday, right now in fact). But it also has other fishey playmates, a mess of decorations, and plants to swim around.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I would check the water temperature... if it's too cool she will be very inactive.

Look closely for symptoms of illness on her fins, gills, tummy - rule that out if possible.

I use live plants (vines) to give my bettas a place to rest and some cover to hide behind so they feel a little safer than just out in the open. Just trim-off a piece of a vine plant, put it in the water and roots will pop-out. Live plants also seem to help reduce the algea formation.

Dec 8, 2004
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i'll try plants because everything else is the exact same as it's always been- and she's the most active betta i've ever had; usually anyway... well she's been looking better today but i'll go ahead and get some plants for them next time i'm at work... thursday?

Dec 8, 2004
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hmm- i think she's feeling a lot better because i've been watching her since i got home today- her fins are up and she's swimming around again. if she's at the bottom it's because she's busy getting mad at her marbles and flaring at them- that's a good sign correct?


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
I have a community tank (5 ft) with over 20 bettas in it. It is planted and has fast and slow currents. Ask yourself, Would you like to sit in the bathroom all your life, or travel and see the world?.. It IS only a fish. BUT it HAS a Brain (Small I know but it has one), Get it some space, a few plants to hide in and a friend or two to associate with, (ONLY 1 MALE PER TANK). It is probably boared S******S

Dec 8, 2004
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bettas like being alone rather than in groups i believe, and one gallon is a good size for a betta says just about everybody... so i don't believe that's the problem. i am going to get plants, however, even though she's perfectly normal again. you're right though- she probably is bored- hence my getting plants.

Dec 8, 2004
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those are gorgeous- well mine's doing just fine. im going to college soon, and when i do that i think im going to bring a 20 gallon and get a few more females to put in there, and then keep my two boys in their own 1 gallon vases. where i work the females get sold REALLY slowly, and i feel bad because they spend so long of a time in those tiny cups. i just might buy out the entire shipment of 1 dozen to put into my 20 for my dorm room.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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I personally would love to be able to offer my betta such a life, but right now I also don't have the room for a larger tank (in my wallet). But, I did put my betta (usually sits in a gallon jar) in a heated and decorated 75 gallon that is empty and waiting for it's inhabitants, WOW! I have never seen him that lively, and he was lively before! He covers every inch of that tank, and if I try to sneak my finger in one area 4 1/2 feet away from him behind his back, he is on me in a flash!! The heat and the room has made a difference. It is going to kill him when I move him back :(

Sometimes he has days where he just sits around a lot, I do an extra water change and try to warm up his location a little, that always seems to help. Good luck

May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
You have to do what is right for you.
personally I like the divided 5 g with 2 bettas, or one betta in a 5g with a frog or 3, and I like having mine in a 30g seeing how he interacts with the whole environment. Then you can have a filter on there, makes water changes easier IMO.

I wouldn't discredit what a little heat in the water will do. I see a dramatic difference between when it is low 70's and around 78. Although with a gallon set up you couldn't get an internal heater I don't think.


Medium Fish
Jun 8, 2005
Southern Maryland
I've seen cute little 2.5g kits run for about $25. They come with a filter, but not a heater. I bet a betta would like one of those much better than an unfiltered jar. Although, can you add a heater to a 2.5g acrylic aquarium? Or would you be melting something?

May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
I got that kit in the 5g version(If it is the one witha bowed front). It has a place on mine for a heater, but didn't come with one. the 5g was about 40$ I think. It fits in about a 2ft sq. space. I had no trouble with melting, and the hot is under the water and cool to the touch when on.