GRRRR I need some advice!!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Ok I have noticed a little agression going on between my JDs and my Jurapuri but it has escalated too far. I have removed my JDs because my Jurapuri is not going anywhere. This is my thoughts as to new take mates:
Get another Jurapuri (as I have just read that they get along together while I was researching this) but this may take a little while.
And get a few Firemouths (?)
Do you think that this would be fine?? Or would the Firemouths but just as aggressive?? If thats the case then my other idea was to just go with a bunch of Angels and no 2nd Jurapuri.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
You do know that one of the common names for the earth eater is "demon fish" right? I'm betting your figuring this out now.

As for tank mates..Well I would say a JD but as you are finding out a small JD isn't a good mix. A larger one would most likely handle his own with them. Maybe you can find a larger one??

Fire mouths don't really start showing their aggression until they are a decent size themselves. I also would not put an angel in there with the earth eater.

But like you have read, I do know they do ok with others if their own kind. So this may be an option. No need to try and find one locally, people on AB sell them almost everyday. If none are listed contact Ken aka fishfarmusa. I can almost promise he has them or can get you one.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
OK.Thanks again Pure! :rolleyes: This is the plan:
5 Firemouths
3 Blue Botias
2 Jurapuri
1 Sailfin Pleco
1 Tiger Pleco

NOTE: Yes this will over stock my 55G when they are adults dont be worried these guys are going to be upgraded to a 180G tank.

Also is there anything that I can put in the 180G that schools???


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I can say that I've been most pleased with my columbian tetra's. They do school alot with each other, and it's not the scared school either. It is a looser school than more true schooling fish, but it's a lot more than most other tetra's that I've seen. They are larger too, so they may be able to withstand some punishment from the larger cichlids. But i've not kept any earth eaters or firemouths, so don't know how well they would do with them. Working well with my Heros so far lol


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Let me know how that goes, I want them, but having an oscar apparently makes the differance LOL. not giving up on my little guy, so I'll have to just observe yours! :) I know you'll take enough pics! :D


Small Fish
Jun 15, 2006
although firemouths wont get the size of JD's.... aggressive factor is exactly the same. My firemouths are terrors and I dont see any difference to JD's except for the physical ones.

I got 5 oscars, JD's, Green Terrors. Black Convicts, and firemouths in tanks, and a 7000 gallon pond.

I would be cautious especially with that amount of firemouths you are planning on getting.

You might consider just what you have now with pleco or loaches if you want more fish.. but definately think twice as to firemouths.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Fire mouths are a lot of show and no go. They flare at anything that passes and will come out to meet it or chase it. But that seems to be the end of the aggression. I have not noticed my firemouth causing any damage to his tank occupants.

The severums are is with are big babies and run from him, but the Royal puts him in his place. I would imagine it could be a problem when full grown if you tried to keep them all in a 55 but I do not see any issues as long as the earth eaters have room to get away from him.

Edit: just saw your stock list. I wouldn't put 5 fire mouths in a 180 gal and expect anyone else in there to get any piece.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Well my Juripari didnt come in yet so I havent gotten any fish. But I have decided not to do Firemouths. Im not really sure what Im going to do. More research for me and hopefully someone will respond........


Small Fish
May 4, 2006
Firemouth discontent

I had a heck of a time with my Firemouth and his tankmates. 2 convicts, and a JD. The Firemouth like Pure says are very showy, but the stress he put everybody else under was unbearable. And it was only toward other cichlids. He's in another tank with non cichlids and doesn't hardly look at the other fish...granted the tank is too small for him, but I'm out of room at the time.

Maybe you'd be alright with some firemouths and non-cichlids but, even with each other (unless they are so crowded that there is nowhere to go, like in the pet store) they are very aggressive.

Sounds like a fun tank though, good luck.