Grrrrr - Female Betta Issues AGAIN!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Not having luck... out of the 3 female bettas I got yesterday, the big one 'Reena' is now bulling the other two. Basically, she swims around while the other two hide in opposite corners of the tank, not moving at all. If one of them moves, she chases them till they hide again.

OK... has anyone else had this issue with small number of female bettas (acting more like males)

I was under the impression females get along with each other in groups. I dont mind a little chasing now and then, but hiding in fear all the time is NO life, even for a fish.

I can maybe get a few more females, but will have to upgrade my tank first. I really like them, but this is getting to be less fun.

Or am I just overreacting, do I need to give it more time?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Thanks Alexa... just worried I am trying to do too much with too little. I would prefer a 5 gallon tank with 4 females, but I have (way over) spent my budget in the past few days.

I will try to re-arrange the tank plants to see if I cannot get better coverage and see how that goes. I did learn from my last mistake when I removed 1 female and returning her back that will not make it better (worse actually)

It is hard not to fidget with the tank or try to intervene at the time. Ah patience, where art thow!!!

Mar 11, 2003
LOL tell me about it. In my attempts to breed my bettas, I get rather impatient...which explains why I have no fry, lol. I need to shape up before Saturday when I will try my opaque pair again.
