Guess what I'm getting....


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
well, hopefull if all goes well. ;)

Tanganicodus irsacae!!

Hehe, not only did I get some wonderfull information on these today, but the lady who was giving me the information is also a breeder. So looks like I'm going to be able to skip paying the price for the WC's, and get F1's. For what I want them for, that is just fine with me.

Once I clear out my 45 gallon, fix up the stand and make a new canopy, this is where the gobies will call home. I'm going to look into adding some paracyps in with them as tankmates.

6 for $30 plus shipping. That aint going to be bad at all. More than happy to pay it.

Umm, of course, I haven't talked to the mrs about this yet....heh, I'm sure she'll agree! (at least I hope so :confused: )

She said that they will be ready to go in about a month. Hopefully I can get everything done by then. I'll do the stand first, so I can at least get the tank back up and running if need be. It can go a little while without a hood.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Wow, what a coincidence. I was sitting here this morning telling myself how i wish i could score some Eretmodus cyanostictus, or any kind of Tang Goby for that matter! Weird, and AWESOME!

What are you doing as far as O2 goes? I know the gobies live shallow and like the O2 filled water.

Care to share any of that general goby knowledge? :D

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
lol, great minds think alike eh c-man?

Actualy the breeder I'm looking to buy off of has some right now up on aquabid I belive. Mabey it was the Spathodus instead of the eret's?

For the O2, I'm thinking I may just make a spraybar that goes pretty well the length of the tank out of PVC and use smaller holes for the outlets. Position this so that its always above the water, and use my fluval 404 to power it. It may not be enough to power the giant spraybar, and a spraybar that big may be overkill. I can always use the 700GPH jebo pump I got off of ebay for $20 to power that sucker! lol (looks like it was a great deal btw-powerfull pump, but not had it long enough to see how well it will actually last)

Well, I wouldn't call it knowledge, but more or less what would and wouldn't work in my situation. I'm going to use my three foot 45 gallon, and she said that if I wanted to keep anything else with them, that I should go for the tanganicodus. They are less aggresive than the larger species.

They are not strickly herbavories, but should not be fed a high protine diet. A little bit is fine every now and then.

Fairly peacefull with other cichlids and fish, but a high conspesific aggresion level. I'm going to start out with 6, in hopes of getting a single pair. If one wants anymore than one pair in the same tank, you need a long tank, and lots of luck. ;)

High O2 levels are very important, but having the high current is not. I guess thats more or less it.

This is just from what I have read, and been told. No personal experince (yet).

I've been following a few threads from a guy over on CF that is setting up a 100 gallon just for gobies. I belive he is going to use a SWCD (is that right? you salties will know) to change up the water current for them to better simulate a surf zone.

I can't wait. I really hope this works out well. Such cute little guys, you can't help but love them.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Awesome. I can possibly use a 55gal for them....and build around them (possibly some paracyps or xenos too). I would just need to figure out the O2 situation and what will work best with my setup...hmmm time to do some thinking and planning. :)

Please keep us updated....this could turn into a very good thread like your Cyp thread a while back. ;)


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Phase 2 (which probably should have been phase 1...) completed. The wife agrees!

hah, C-man make up your mind. One day your doing to do Tangs in it, the next discus, the next SW.... :p

Oh you can bet I'll keep you all updated. I'm cleaning out the other bedroom so I can store things a little bit better. I would love to be able to do a lot of my work in there, but with the fish rack, I don't want to chance anything getting into the water. I'm been cleaning for about two hours now and it went from looking like ground zero of a nuke, to a tornado just hit it! lol WHERE DID WE GET ALL THIS JUNK AT! anyway...

You can be sure I'll keep you all updated on the progress. :)


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003

She is going to save me 6! All things going well for now...( *begins looking around for impending doom*)

BTW- This seems like a 'woot' moment, but could someone finaly share with me what the heck it meens? lol


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
They are ready much sooner than she first thought! They are ready to roll right now. :D

But alas, my tank is in three different rooms right now, so I'm going to have to get that back togeather beforeI can get the fish. heh

Depending on how much work I can get done on everything, I may be able to get them sometime next week. We shall see what happens.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Yeah I bet! That's a great price for WC.

The good thing about the irsacae is that they seem to be the most mellow out of the group. So you can get away with them in the smaller tanks with some tank mates actualy.

heh, i can't wait till I can open up a 75-150 gallon for tropheus and erets. Thats going to be a sweet tank.

EDIT- Forgot to mention that we are having some technical difficulties of the pocket book that was very unexpected. So it may be two weeks before we can actualy get the fish. Or longer depending on how soon my wife can get back to work.

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