Guide for noobs to set up a fish tank


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Guide for newbies to set up a fish tank

title is now Guide for Newbies to set up a fish tank.
ok your going through walmart or your lps and you look at the fish not knowing you could have them in your home.

Step 1. Setting up the tank.

First you need tank duh. If your in walmart you could find a starter kit. In my word this will be the best thing you can find. Rember bigger the better.
You will also need the substrate or gravel. Im no expert on this so can i have some experts on this post some help from the experts like Helena and Matt.
You might also want dercorations and stuff.
Now I am going to list some of the best kinds of decor u can find around:
Flower Pots: Great kind of decoration u can find at any store. I recomend to get the clay ones. Because Metal+water=rust and plastic+water=float.

Driftwood: Really good for any tank. But it floats. But u can get it to sink by getting it so water-logged by boiling it for an hour or two. Repeat if it don't keep on repeating it until it does. If its not your screwed.

Rocks: Makes the perfect place for some fish to breed and you can make caves with them.

Busted Cinderblocks: The reason why to use them they make great caves. For those of you who like playing with a sludgehammer u will like this. NOTE:Before you do this make sure you wash all rocks or cinder blocks. Take your hammer and wack it a few times.

Plastic Plants: Cheap and great
You will now need a filter, a heater, and maybe an air stone(not needed but what the hey) There are 2 types of filters that i know about.
HOB Filter: A good of type of filer that hang on the back of the tank. Just dont make the same mistake as me and forget to change the catidges.
UGF: In my opinion it is a pain to keep it running. It sits under the gravel and when it comes to cleaning it is a MESS!
When it comes to heaters keep in mind that that you will need 5 wats per a gallon. Examples are below here:
5 gal= 25 wats
10 gal= 50 wats
20 gal= 100 wats
29 gal= 145 wats
You get the picture.
Please note that please post how to keep plants alive and stuff.

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Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Step Two. The Cycle.

The cycle is basicly alowing the bactiria to build up. There are 3 different types of bacteria you will find in the tank. Type 1 will feed on amonia which is a hazard to fish but will produce another hazzard called nitrite. Have no fear, Type 2 will feed on nitrite but it craps out another hazzard called nitrate. Heres where Type 3 flies through your window and eats the nitrate but it goes to the little mens room and craps out the last hazzard called nitrogen. And to get rid of that you do water changes.
The biggest mistake in doing this is to throw in the fish before the cycle.
There are two types ot cycle the tank:
Fish: i dont like this way because it requires ALOT OF WATER CHANGES. When doing this keep only HARDY fish like platties or danios. And don't forget the water changes. I mean NEVER forget the water changes.

Fishless: Best way to cycle a tank and less maintence. For the sake of GOD and the fish do this type of cycle. Reason 1, If your busy it will not screw up your schedule. Reason 2, It saves your water bill.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
That, and your description of the cycle is wrong...

There is very little [bacterial] nitrogen fixation that occurs in your average freshwater aquarium.

You might also want to consider things like spelling and punctuation... If you want your readers to take you seriously, you should consider using slightly more professional language...


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Step 3. The clean up crew Yay.

(Please note this is not optional but should be followed)
You have probaly have notticed alage growing here and there during the cycle.
When u are getting 0 nitrate and amonia, give your self a pat on the back because the tank is cycled YAAAAAAY*celebrate
Now the purpose of a cleanup crew is to clean up any alage that moved in the tank. A good idea is to NOT go overboard and buy alot of a crew. Stay small in numbers if you want pretty fish.
A goodclean up crew is:
1-2 otos
4 amano shrimp and 4 cherry shrimp
1 apple snail(optional)
After a week has past you will find pleasing results of your clean up crew.

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