guide needed for betta breeding :)


Large Fish
Dec 14, 2009
hello all,

right, i have a 10g i have my head set on breeding bettas for the first time. i know the basics but everyone has a different experience breeding bettas so can you all please give me a step by step guide to breeding them correctly. im prepared to give up a lot of time and money to do it and its something im determind to do.

all help, advise wanted :) thankyou

i currently have 1 male betta, and 3 females. i am planning on purchasing a
2nd male next week sometime.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
You might want to PM Doomhed. He has a really easy-to-follow, comprehensive betta breeding guide. Just be prepared to be in for a lot of work, a lot of money and a lot of space taken up (since you need to have a large grow-out tank for your females and tons of small containers for your males once they start showing aggression).