I have 2 female mickey mouse platies, and one male platy. I also have a female and male guppy. The female is pregnant. The male guppy seems to be nipping at the female mickey mouse platy. She has a little bit taken out of her. She has hiding spot that she stay in now, where i thought she was missing! But come to find out, she is hiding there, and I think its from the male. The pregnant guppy, is looking pretty big, she has been pregnant now for 2 weeks, I am guessing she is going to be giving birth anytime soon here. Is the male going after the female platy because of this, or maybe because she is a bright red color. If its the color, then why hasn't the male guppy gone after any of the other red platies. There is a male, which is a lot larger then the guppy, and the two females that are 1/2 the guppy's size! What should I do here? I do not have another tank to put the male or to put the female in. But i don't want the platy to be nipped at any more. Thanks in advance for any responses!