Guppy ideas..


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Wondering what you guys think. I've ended up with 3males and 1female guppy. I didn't realise the females were the ones that died before i replaced them.

It became more obvious when we found a little baby guppy and i really had a good look at what the other guppies were doing. They are chasing the one female alot. When i first got them i thought they were just very active fish.

I'm surprised she still looks okay but i know one of my female bettas eventually got sick being chased by the male all the time and there were two females to one male in that situation.

So... think i should pull a couple of the males outta there?... or add a couple more females? It's only a 5.5g tank although i'm pretty fanatical about water changes etc. Would they be happy in the 55g?


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Actually the bettas worked really well for about 6mos... two females and one male. I read in a book you can do that. You know those books that have stocking suggestions but when you actually try it it's maybe not so perfect.

Anyway, as i said it worked great for 6mos then the male just went nuts and was chasing the females all the time. He would do that at first but just for a day at a time then leave them alone for awhile.

It was really kewl cause you could watch him make the bubble nest and squeeze the eggs outta the girls and spit them into the nest and all that fascinating stuff.

They are all dead now :(

Dec 8, 2004
Visit site
wow- i never knew you could do that. i know you can put females together. i know that if you have one male and one female they'll fight if the tank is the usual "betta enclosure." i know that two males- yah right. a school of females will gang up on the male. had NO idea you could put two females with a male. how big was your tank? was it heavily planted?


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The tank with the bettas was a 20gallon. As i said it worked great for about 6mos. There were alot of other fish with them as well. Flying foxes, cories, neons and probly something else i've forgotten by now. Dunno if that helped.

LOL ram man.