guppy problems!!!


Large Fish
Apr 10, 2009
i have a 29 gallon tank with four guppies and four balloon mollies.

i got these fish so i would have some babies and i know my 29 gal will soon be over populated but i can fix that.

but my question is about one of my female guppies.

I noticed yesterday that something took a chunk out of her tail fin so i sat down for about an hour to see if i noticed any aggression in the tank and i didnt, well i woke up this morning and it looked the same, but i just went to feed them and noticed the her tail fin was completely gone but i still have not seen any aggression between any of the fish

This is what she looks like now

and this is what she used to look like. ill try to see if i can get a better picture

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Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
hey zigzag
i only have expo in guppies
and i have never had an aggression problem (ie Fins Etc.).when i find dead fish i examine very closely.I think because i have such a large stock maybe aggression isnt a problem

ps 2 photo fish looks ok

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
Mollies are known to be a little aggressive and nippy. But I wonder if this could be fin rot. Fin rot is a sign of bacteria infection. Did you notice a whitish edge on the fin when it was there? If so...fin rot it is and it can be treated with antibiotics.

However if a molly is the culprit, I believe you would see relentless pestering with your own eyes.

Edit: another look at the fin and I can clearly see a whitish edge.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
This is not a case of fin rot, it happened overnight. I would suggest figuring out which fish is the culprit ASAP, turn the lights out in the room, leave the tank lights on and sit an watch for awhile. Unforunately, she's hit up pretty bad. Once those "spokes" in her fin are gone, the fin will never fully grow back. She's also very prone to infection now until it heals. I would suggest adding some melafix for awhile to prevent any infection. Also make sure your water is completely cycled with 0 ammonia, nitrite and nitrates. She will be ok and live a full life if you take care of her now, don't let infection set in though.


Large Fish
Apr 10, 2009
the first photo is today and the second photo was 2 days ago and ill test the water tomorrow. but i cannot seem to find her if my mom was in my room then the fish got flushed but ill keep looking

well after i looked a bit closer i noticed that the fish was dead and something had eaten at her so she had no fin left at all and a huge hole in her stomach.

ill text the water and do a water change first thing in the morning

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