Guppy's tail nearly gone!


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2010
Bournemouth, United Kingdom

I bought a couple of guppies (male) and this morning awoke to find that three quarters of his tail was gone and he was in rest in the plants.

There are still spines in the tail but no scales/pigment, who has been eating him?! My water parameters are perfect and I've never had a problem with my old guppy and the other fish. I'm just confused and upset because he cannot swim and so is resting on the bottom. What should I do, will his tail grown back, should I just wait until he passes away or should I euthanise him with some clove oil?

I hate these situations, they always happen when you're not looking or fast asleep! Maybe it would be a good idea to record our tanks at night lol!

Any thoughts would be much appreciated, thank you x x x

Oct 15, 2010
How is he doing? I noticed that you had 3 zebra danios. A minimum of 6 is reccomended. Same for the rummynose. I would bet that the gouramis are the problem. They are known to be very peacful, with sudden bursts of agression. Zebra danios are pretty fast, and guppies are slow, so they could be the problem too.

If the water is clean, and stays like that, his tail will most likely grow back. Keep an eye on him, and if he is getting really bad, it might be time to euthanise. Once a fish is getting pulled around by a filter etc. it is time to euthanise, because the fish will soon get pulled onto it, and get stuck...

Oct 15, 2010
add some melafix.. it will grow back...
I would not use melafix. People have reccomended against it, and unless you are going to set up a tank for the 1 guppy, I would not use it. If I remember correctly, gouramis can be hurt by melafix, so I personally wouldn't use it unless you have a seperate tank.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Since you have DGs don't use melafix. You can use betafix instead. It's not melafix itself that damages the labyrinth organ, it's overdosing melafix that does it. Betafix is basically 1/10th strength melafix so you have a much harder time ODing it.

It could be the danios, or less likely rummynose who aren't in a recommended group size.
It could maybe be the dwarf gouramis seeing the pretty tail and feeling threatened. 24 gallons is sort of tight spaces for two dwarf gouramis.