'Guts' Falling Out...NOT!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Figured I might as well use this opportunity to post more pics of my favorite dog...err...I mean fish. The 'guts' falling out is actually just some beefheart that's having a hard time finding its way out. In retrospect, I probably did overfeed just a tad. :rolleyes:

He was a little sheepish at first because I was trying to use
all sorts of tactics to get him to come up to the glass for a decent photo-op.

Here's his "don't mess with me" look, lol.
Can you blame him? He is trying to take a poop, after all. :p

Don't the beefheart leftovers just look oh, so yummy?! :cool:

I think I can actually tell that he's gotten bigger since I've had him based on this side-shot.

And finally, a no-flash shot...just to show how his colors look in person.

(it's as close as I could get to him and still hold the camera still enough for a 'clear' pic)

So you see, Katie, it's not as bad as you thought. ;)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Katie217 said:
I was SERIOUSLY worried, I even told Jenness over Ventrilo about it!
I know, that's why I didn't post it in the disease section and pretend as though I thought it was really his guts falling out---I was tempted to, but that would have just been sick and wrong. *twirlysmi

How's Jenness doing these days? Haven't seen any posts from YFK in a long time---glad to hear she's still alive and kicking! Tell her BV says hi. ;)