H.O.T. Magnum for 55g planted tank

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Okay, origenally I was going to get a power filter for my 55g from habit because Thats all I have ever used. But now I know that they make to much water movement for the plants. So I went looking for info(I still know crap about them). I now the ehims are supposed to be the best but lets face it I don't have that much money for a filter. So how about a HOT Magnum canister?? They seem to be very resonable in price and look nice.
Would I need to buy accessories with it or does it come with everything. Also any one with experiance with them please chime in.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Well an emporer is what I want, really it is. But since I am going to have a planted tank I have heard that they make to much water movement thus letting CO2 excape. If it won't dessipate to much CO2 then I will go ahead and get an Emporer.


Large Fish
Jan 3, 2003
Visit site
I have a magnum 250 on all but one of my tanks, but my tanks are moderately planted. I like mine, expecially the micro filter. It really get a lot of gunk out of the water. My plants do weave around in the current but it seems to have little affect on them. They are really good filter for the medium to larger SA and CA cichlids.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have two magnum 350s , and a hot magnum. For the price, they are great. They have plenty of room IMO to hold enough Bio-max media to sustain a descent amount of bacteria(hot mags).

The plants will also aid in this also.

But, I feel one HOT magum is not a lot of filtration for a 55 gallon.

I use a 350 and a Hot magnum, and it is great.

Not sure what you budget is, but a Hot magnum is $47.99 plus shipping online. If you feed very lightly, and dont overstock, a simple power head(with sponge filter intake) at the oppisite side may be enough. But two Hot mags or a greater filter might be a better chioce.