had a 46, then 80, and now a 220! shark possibly?

Aug 23, 2005
Cocoa Beach
anyone ever had a shark in their home tank? i have done some reading, the only thing i see from people is that they get too big... any other problems? what to do when it gets too big? what kind did you have? i would like to get a shark that will swim, not sit on the bottom like a bamboo shark


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Sharks are extremely strong and I have read of them breaking the glass so I think glass thickness is of utmost importance. My dentist had a small shark in his 220 in his office....pretty cool.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I believe that even a small shark will grow pretty big for most any tank - I think they all get up to at least 3' long. That's wider than large tanks usually are. The ones that sit on the bottom don't care as much about space, since they aren't as active, but you still need a tank big enough for them to turn around at full size and to stretch out fully. Especially one that actually swims around constantly... they need so much room. Take a look in a public aquarium some time, that is the size tank they need (and even some of those look pretty small to spend an entire shark lifetime in...).

If you decide to get one, you need to have a plan for when it outgrows its tank before you get it... I don't think most public aquariums want overgrown sharks, and once it has outgrown your tank the local fish stores aren't going to be able to take it either. You don't want to have a 3' monster and no one who wants it. Maybe an indoor pool for it when it grows?

Aug 23, 2005
Cocoa Beach
yea i think i am going to steer away from a shark. they are cool, but i dont want to be cruel. ill probably get an eel, but there is one guy around here that has a 9" bamboo shark. that is what most people say are good for a tank. but i am still some what indecisive about the whole shark thing.