Hagen Plant Grow Natural System(CO2)- does this work?


Small Fish
Oct 2, 2006
I'm looking into starting a planted tank and I was wondering if this is a good CO2 system if I bought a couple, or can anyone tell me of a good system for a 55 gallon tank? whether it's DIY or something at the store. thanks.

Mar 7, 2008
i have been looking into this for my 12g eclipse where some have said it will work wonders for. all i would have to do is keep water levels high to lower turbulence. nevertheless, for a 55g i would check out something that has been catching my eye once i graduate to a bigger tank/move to a bigger place.

Freshwater Planted Aquariums & Plant Care: Carbon Dioxide CO2 Green NRG System

it would be overkill for an eclipse, but probably tempting for a 55g.

Sticky Fish

Medium Fish
Mar 7, 2008
i am about to hook up this tomorrow on a 12 gallon. i was wondering what notch do people use on the ladder. i figure i would go for the second one since the max size is 20 gallons. any ideas?