Hair Algae


Small Fish
Feb 19, 2006
Hey guys.. I have not had anytime to post (work killin me), But i am where i am in the world of saltwater because of the help yall have given me or that i have read, so thank yall very much... now I need help more then ever...Hair Algae i cant get rid of it, I have tried it all ill give yall the stats.. 75gal 2 fulval 405's(1 only has phos remover and nitrate remover in it) coralife 65x4 2-10k 2antic about 55-70lbs of live rock (lost track)
blue leg hermit x35ish turbos x55ish em crabs around 8or9. ill get pics in asap. i have tried all meds and all chem levs are 0 or less. the problem is i dont know if its the alage keepin phos/nh3/nit. low or is it me. water changes are done with ro water. i am completly stumped and have no idea where to go now. thanks so much for any help guys.....

Feb 22, 2008
I have a green hair algae problem too at the moment, i got some chaetomorpha and rowaphos which has stopped the rapid growth rate, also added some more clean up crew,( i personally dont like turbo snails as they never seem to move and when they fall over can't get back up, which to me is ridiculous lol. )
I would recommend keeping up the water changes and just pulling the algae out, mine has reduced quite a lot but its still there, eventually with the combination of a lack of nitrates and phosphates that my chaeto and rowaphos remove, me pulling the algae out and inverts eating it, it will go. Mine got brought into the tank by some 'grade A' fiji live rock, grrr


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
ahhh a lawnmower blenny may help also.....but mostly just removing it and running cheato in your sump and stepping up water changes. Also, you may want to check the age of your bulbs as they age sometimes they change spectrum just enough to encourage algae growth


Small Fish
Feb 19, 2006
Well i have added a lawnmower blenny about 4 mnts ago but he aint eatin any bulbs get replaced every 10 mnts (almost to the day) and my water changes are 10-15gal a week. i am almost certin that its not Bryopsis cause i have pulled most of it out and its very soft. should my wc's be more then that. im working on gettin some pics in so yall can see.. thanks


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
what do you have for powerheads and though this may be irrelevant but what are your nitrates and phosphate readings. They may be zero or really low if the algae is utilizing may also reduce the feedings and try reducing the light schedule, but physically removing it and increasing the amount and frequency of the water changes may help.