Half Moon Plakat

May 1, 2007
I want a some new bettas. My cambodian pair recently died. I decieded I want a plakat. I want a plakat because I think it is kind of wrong to burden these fish with those long finnes that many bettas have today. I don't think any fish with natually short finns should be forced with such a things. You have to put yourself in there place. Having those things weighting them down every moment and every movement in their lives. Greatly affecting their ability to do some things a normal betta should do with eaise. I was just wondering how would a half moon tail effect a plakat betta. Will if slow his speed? Increase it? I just don't want any half moons if the tail will restrict the betta in anyway. THANKS.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
half moon plakat? huh...
and...ok...i dont get your reasons for wanting a plakat, but mk.
why not just a real wild betta? plakats are bred to have short fins.
and i dont think fins affect bettas in any way...their just there.

May 1, 2007
I have never seen a wild type betta splendens for sale on-line or in a pet store of any sort. I have only seen two pictures of wild betta splendens in my whole life. The only way I think you can get a wild type betta slendens is going to Asia and catching one yourself. That is why I just don't get a wild one. I would love to though. I disagree about it not effecting them though. You can even compare a short finned and long finned. Thanks for the imput. Lately I haven't been getting any replies to just about anything. :(

May 1, 2007
I know, I've chevked those sites. I'm looking for wild betta slendens. Those are a different type of betta. Also long finns effect the speed and agility. The reason being it adds weight to them. The same sort of things happen when a person puts on weight. It lessens your speed and agility. Agian thanks for the imput.