Hang on Back Protien skimmer


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Well, it may be tough to find a decent "mini" skimmer for a 10g tank.

I use a Aqua C Remora Pro on my 29g, and I LOVE IT!! (I have also had a regular Remora as well, it too performed well) I went to their webpage and found this: Nano Remora

I don't know much about that unit, but if it performs as well as their larger models, I think you'll like it.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Denny, exactly which Aqua C Remora Pro are you using. I am in the process of looking for a skimmer but find ones that are rated for alot more or ones that are to weak.
I use the Remora Pro w/ the Mag3 pump.

It's has a ton of flow, but as we all know, the more flow the better.

It seems to work great in my 29g. (overkill galore, rated to 75g if I recall correctly) The only problem is, the pump is MASSIVE :eek: so it's quite an eyesore to look at. It will eventually end up in the sump I'm building. So I'll deal with the ugly until then. :rolleyes: