hanging filters

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA

I was wondering if the Tetra Whisper Power Filters were any good. I'm planning on starting a 10 gallon fry tank for my platies and just need an efficient and inexpensive filter, preferbly one that hangs over. But I was also wondering what other systems would be good. Any recommendations?

Like Orion said, they (Or any HOB for that matter) are not the best option for fry.

Fry aside though, you'll get mixed opinions on them here. Some people praise them, some think they're junk.

Personally, I've owned one and my sister has owned two; all of which were traded for Aqua Clears. I don't think they're all out junk, but I do think there are much better filters out there, in terms of performance, design, and quality.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I was wondering, what does HOB stand for?

Moreover, if the Tetras are presumebly not that great, what brands of filters would be the better replacement? This can be any type of filter as long as it's not a canister (I don't have the $). Oh, yeah put the fry aside for this question as well.

Sep 11, 2005
The two most consistently praised filters are Marineland's Penguin series and Hagen's Aquaclear series. You won't get a consensus as to which is better; everyone has their favorite and their own reasons for the choice. So I will avoid dispensing any self-satisfying advice aimed at getting you to like the one that I prefer. hehe

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I've had AquaClears in the past, and they've worked great. As a matter of fact, I had one on my 10 gallon platy fry tank, and I simply put a small piece of panty-hose over the end of the intake tube to prevent the fry from getting sucked up into the filter.

By the way, this was after I noticed lots of fry disappearing, so I checked inside of the filter, and there were at least a half-dozen tiny platy fry residing in there. They must have been in there for at least a week or two. It's amazing how long they can survive off of the tiny food bits that get sucked up into the filter.

Big Vine