

Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I just moved my crown tail betta Mr. Spikey or as I call him Mr Piggy lol into a 1 gal tank. I am not sure though if he us happy in his new home. I addes another plant plus the original that was in his 1/2 gal tank and put his castle in it too. What are signs that he is happy?


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
southern Texas
well he might be eating a lot, patroling his territory, males sometimes biuld bubble nests when in a new home take it from me when my friends bettas where put alone the built bubble nests.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Make sure that his new home does not have too strong of a current, is in direct sunlight or brighter light then his old home, and that the temperature is constant. If he looks stressed out, try to figure out what is stressing him. I once moved my betta from his 20g community home to his own 5g where he promptly started chewing up his tail out of stress.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Well Last night when i went to give him his snack before bed, I noticed a small bubble nest in the front of the tank. This morning the nest is really foamy and pretty big. SO I guess thats a good thing. Also I noticed him showing off his fins more to me ( he is sooo beautiful :) ) The tank is placed in the same location and it has no filter, but I clean it once a week or every second week on wednesday. Usually I look and see if there is a lot of crap at the bottom thats how I tell it needs changing. Another good question I have is about the temperature. I use a sticker thermometer but noticed when it was hot the temperature was at 86, so I left the light off all day and put it on at night. Do those thermometers really work, or are they like mood rings and change color when its warm out or in the room? I have the same sticker thermometer for my big tank and the same temperature or if not hotter than my betta tank. Thats why I am starting to wonder lol.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Someone else can probably give a more accurate answer then me, but I think the sticker thermometers are only moderately accurate. They figure in the room temp as well as the tank temp. The most accurate are the ones you place actually inside the tank, but some of them truly are unsightly. I use a sticker on one of my tanks, but take it with a grain of salt, if it seems within the good range, that's ok.