Happy loners


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
Can anyone suggest a smallish pretty fish for a freshwater tropical tank that would be happy living alone..or maybe with a partner? £ of them would be ok if very small. Nothing too fragile, or aggressive.
Basically it's for my hospital tank which I've never needed to use yet as a hospital tank, and which I can't quite bear to have empty.
I'd like a fish that will keep the filter ticking over and not eat any new fish I quarenteen (how on earth do you spell it!) for my main tank.
I had two diamond tetras in there but they were always unhappy (missing a school I suppose) and now one has died. :-(
I'm thinking of adding the other to the main tank once I've waited long enough to check it's not ill too.
All suggestions gratefully recieved :)

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
I'd get a a couple of female bettas

not only are they hardy but small so you could keep a number of them, or just one in there.

Be careful though, some femal bettas don't get along with others but most do. I have 4 females that I have kept in a 10g together and they get along great, right now they are in my 29g but I am probably going to move them to my 55g when its setup.

One of them does get aggressive sometimes but nothing to seriouse. I think the reason why they get along is because I didn't get them all at the same time. I kind of got one every couple of weeks. I don't know maybe that didn't play a part at all.