Has anyone had luck with cherry barbs controlling snails?


Small Fish
Jan 6, 2011
I am in the middle of eradicating a pond snail infestation. I heard that cherry barbs eat snails and thought that might be a nice way of preventing them from getting out of hand in the future. Has anyone had luck with them eating snails? Also, I have three mystery snails I want to put into that tank. Will mystery snails eat pond snails or eggs? Will cherry barbs harass mystery snails? Finally, I have heard conflicting news about cherry barbs being schooling fish. Some say yes, some say no. What say you?


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I currently have cherry barbs and have had them in the past. I have not observed them eating snails and have had many snails in tanks with them present.
They sort of school at times and go their separate ways at other times much like the tiger barbs.
They are a good fish to have on their own merits and I have kept them many times over the years. The males are very handsome when in full color. They are also peaceful in my experience.