Has my tiger barb got White spot

Jan 11, 2011
Hi please can you help.I have just noticed that one of my tiger barbs has 2 whitish spots.. There's one on the body which has taken some of the black strip away the other is on it's gill. The one on the body is quite big, but it dose'nt look fluffy. This fish dosen't move much just stays either in the cave or down stream from the filter could this be White spot as I'm not sure..


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
It's either ich (which by your description I don't think it is), fungal, or bacterial from an injury. Could you find a pic online (or one of your fish) that looks similar? If you're totally not sure about bacterial/fungal you can use pimafix and melafix together after pulling out the carbon from your filter.

If it's itty bitty tiny white spots it's ich. Either crank up the heat to around 86 and add a little salt. Adding oxygen at this heat helps too. You can otherwise just add ich meds if the only thing you have in the tank are tiger barbs. Remember to do good gravel vacs to suck up the ich on the floor.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
because the fish are new, because he is a newbie, and because they haven't been eating, my guess w/o a photo is ich. It's the most common parasite fish get.

Fungus is fluffy (generally speaking)

bacteria leaves lesions or soars (generally speaking)

Honestly with any of the above a new fish keepers chance of saving the fish are 50/50 at best (sorry, even advanced fish keepers lose whole tanks to outbreaks from time to time)

Best of luck, Heat, Dark, O2, Salt and maybe meds is what i would recommend. The heat dark and 02 can be done before you go to the store, If they are in a dark room wrap the tank with a towel or a sheet be sure to leave gaps at the top for air to get in and out.

Jan 11, 2011
Thanks for your reply's, Been reading a lot about ich today, they are not tinny White spots, they are bigger.. Hopefully more bacterial/fungal, going to treat for this first, then go from there.. What do you think?..


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
fungus would be my second guess, sometimes fish get this from being netted. Medaflex + their fungus med would be a good call. Dark tank high heat. Treat today, waiting will cost you your fish.