Hate having to post here, but...


Superstar Fish
Alright. I'm having trouble with my angelfish.

Background on the tank:

1 African Butterfly fish
1 Pictus
1 Yoyo loach
1 goyder river rainbowfish
1 Angelfish

The goyder developed mouth fungus a bit ago. I've been treating the tank with Binox - a very strong antifungal/bacterial med. The mouth fungus has seemingly disappeared (though I will continue to medicate since i am sure it is lurking still). I also have added some Melafix.

A few days ago, I noticed an odd spot on my angel fish's extended tail fin rays. I thought they had been nipped at (you know how a torn fin turns white-ish?). Thought nothing of it really. Went away for the weekend, and came back to several of these spots. They do not *appear* to be ich. They seem larger and "clumpier." I didn't think it looked like fungus...though when I looked just now, one of them may be fuzzy. Also, fungus would be odd because of the antifungal med that is in there. I could really use some help identifying this. Please excuse my really poor pic. My camera is dead (batteries ran out) but I hope to run to the store, pick some up, and take a better one. In the meantime.....

Anyone have anything to offer?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
At first look I would say Ick. But fungus or a parisite is not out of the question I dont think. It look a little big to be Ick, but Im not sure if fish diseases have different strains like human diseases.

If your angel is glancing off of the bottom or tank deco like it is trying to scratch an itch I would lean more to some kind of parisite.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Hmmm...I think I have a Krib with the same problem. What may be happening is the fish is getting nipped, or the fins are being scraped on something (the latter occurred often with my angels). The fungus may be occurring on the fin tips, as your picture indicates. With my Krib, I know she's being nipped (and chased like crazy) by another Krib, and I'm pretty sure there's a little fungal growth on the tip of her fin. I haven't treated for it, as it's not getting any worse.

You might try increasing the frequency of your water changes, say every other day if possible, and see what happens from there. Water changes are a sure fire way to reduce and possibly cure mild fungal infections. I think I'll do the same for my Krib.

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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You might want to look at this page: http://www.2cah.com/pandora/Disease.html#Finfungus there are some good shots of various diseases.

I had what the site calls "fin fungus" on some of my Endlers, one that was very pregnant, and one that had just had babies. I assumed it was somehow stress-related. I used the Jungle Fungus Clear, because it treats both bacterial and fungal problems. It cleared up very quickly for me. I also did some extra water changes, to make sure water quality wasn't a factor.