hav i got water fleas???


Large Fish
Feb 23, 2005
Preston UK

havinfg just recently set up a nano pkanted shrimp tank, 3 gal
i added some java moss a moss ball and some 5 twisted vellas plants they look hugh in such a small tank, any how i bought 5 baby rcs (blimy they are tiny) i was liiking to nonight to see how they are getting along when i noticed these tiny white dots that darted along the walls od the auqarium, they are white but no bigger than a pin head, in fact they may be a bit smaller, any ideas what these thing are??

also i have noticed this whit cotton wool like stuff growing on the walls, i currently have my ligght on from 8 am till i go to bed at 12 am is this to long and will the tiny white darty dots and the cotton wool like stuff harm the shrimp???


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
This link might help you identify what you have: ShrimpNow !!! - Bugs and Worms in a Shrimp Tank

It's unlikely the fleas or the white cottony stuff will harm your shrimp. The cottony stuff sounds like some type of fungus. Do you have driftwood in the tank? That sometimes brings in a harmless fungus.

In general, keep the light on the tank on for no more than 12 hours a day. This will help make sure the plants get their rest period and may help minimize algae problems.