Have a snail problem and need advice

May 4, 2011
I have snails in all 3 of my tanks from live plants I recently added. I am trying to find a good way to remove the snails but not kill my mystery snails as well. A fish would be good for me I don't want to add chemicals and I want something I can move between all 3 tanks. So what kind of fish could eat the little snails but not my mystery snails? I'm looking at betta, gourami, and kuhli loaches because I want something small and peaceful. I know my wife would enjoy a dwarf puffer but I hear they can be agressive and I don't want it to kill my fish, is it like a betta? Kind of hit and miss?

So besides using lettuce/cucumber to throw the snails out what fish would be good to eat them that won't eat my mystery snails? The fish I listed above I was considering getting anyway I just want them more now that snails are starting to show up.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I have snails and kuhlis living together now and for a lot of years. Kuhlis are fish worth having, but have not impacted my snail population. I have had bettas that attack snails and some that ignored them. I have had mystery snails killed by bettas.

I am in the camp that feels snails are a benefit in a tank. They do a number of positive things.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
Snail populations increase and decrease according to the ammount of available food - total eradication is virtualy impossible unless you take the chemical route (killing everything else in the process) - they can even clog filters.

However - many Loaches like a bit of crunch in their diet - and will keep them to a minimum.

You could eradicate them like 99.9% through assassin snails. I had tons of snails in my planted tank at one point and added three assassin snails, within a week the snails were gone -- only downfall is the empty white shells all over the gravel, but you could scoop those out slowly. My Kuhlis don't touch my snails, nor does my YoYo Loach...no idea. I just like the assassin snail method.

But really, it's a great method.

Duh, forgot to mention you could just take out your mystery snails for a bit until the other snails were gone then add them back and remove the assassins.

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