have questions

ms dee

Small Fish
Feb 24, 2003
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i have add a toadstool leather,open brain green,fingerleather,bulb anemone,pink tip anemone.my questions are:
1. what other corals can go in with these with out conflict?
2. what other anemones could go in with them with out conflict?
3.what can I do to help good or colored algea to grow in my tank?
4. or there plants that can be add to give color to my tank?

thanks dee


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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This is for your 30g right? To start with, I wouldn't add anymore anemones to this tank. Not only can the ones you already have get large, but there is the chance that they will fight with each other as it is, no sense in pushing it by adding another one.

You can add any of the macro algaes to your tank. Not only will they provide color by they will also help you to export nutrients when you trim them and throw the excess away. Things to watch for though.....add too many and there is the chance that they will cause your pH to drop at night. One way to combat this is to aim a powerhead at your waters surface to blow off the excess CO2. Another thing to watch for is if the algaes "go sexual". The algae will appear to whiten and will exude a milky substance. Very important that if you see this you do an IMMEDIATE water change and run some fresh carbon in your filter. Ways to avoid this is to keep the amount of macros fairly low and when you trim, try and remove the older growth first.

The coraline algae is something that will eventually happen, just be patient.....some tanks take longer than others IMO. One thing you can do however is to make sure your calcium levels are where they should be.

Other corals.....hmmm.....that's kinda hard since all the anemones and most of the corals you already have will get quite large. About the only thing you might want to add are some button polyps, maybe candy cane.....I would not add any mushrooms with the exception of perhaps ricordia as most shrooms will multiply quickly and spread just as fast. Green star polyps, or yellow polyps have the same reputation. I am sure others will be along soon to offer more suggestions......


ms dee

Small Fish
Feb 24, 2003
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pink tip anemone

my pink tip anemone tried to get the spot that my bulb anemone has.An I believe the the bulb anemone won.this was yesterday. today my pink tip anemone is lifeless.It loks like it has been chewed on and is just lifeless. can some please help me???? what do I do to keep it from death.:(


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Battling anemones! You can only rearrange the tank so there are 2 similar locations - if you try to meve one, it will just move back.
I wouldn't describe coralline as an indication of 'inadequate light', though a suden increase can certainly bleach it. Corallinne is usually a good indicator of good water conditions.

Mar 12, 2003
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would have to disagree with sinasster coraline algae is, it is an indication of insufficient lighting. coraline from everything i have seen is something you want in a tank if sinasster knows any books or web sights that state coraline algae is, it is an indication of insufficient lighting i would love to read it in my tank i am trying to grow coraline algae


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Ms Dee~

Is the anemone still looking bad? Do you have another tank you can move it to?

You will want to remove the anemone if you think it is dead.....you don't want it fouling the water. If it turns to mush, then it's dead BTW......

Good luck.

P.S. Forgot to add that coralline algae is the hard flat encrusting algae that most saltwater tanks have growing on the rocks and glass. They come in a variety of colors, pink, red, green, purple, white........usually a sign of good calcium levels, stable tank....never heard it associated with low light levels.

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ms dee

Small Fish
Feb 24, 2003
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Pinkie is gone he was looking like mush. my coalline alge is starting to like fuss growing on my rocks but I guess that's how it's start.

PLUS I kept seeing this red string like slim or something come of my rocks.the fish and crabs is eating it off.do you know what this might be


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Sorry to hear about your anemone:( ......

From what I've seen in my own tanks, coralline will start out as a small hard looking dot....not fuzzy at all. It could be another form of algae starting, hard to say. The red slimey stuff is cynaobacteria ....or at least I think that's what you have. The part about your fish eating it has thrown me somewhat.....it's possible that it is a form of macro algae......(I've had cynao in both my tanks and I never had anything eat it, but that's just in my tanks, you know?) Does the red stuff kinda disappear at night and get more intense by the end of the day? Does it look rather "webby", and is it on the sand too?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Yeah, that sounds like red slime algae alright (otherwise known as cyanobacteria). Hate the stuff. Things that cause it? Well, there's a debate right there. Excess nutrients (of course, as with any algae problem), but also low flow areas, lighting, lighting spectrum, chemical additives.....the list can go on depending on the person posting.
I can say from experience, that for me at least, my problems came from overfeeding and low flow areas. Once I reduce my feedings and redirect the powerheads the problem won't come back. Now, to getting rid of it in the first place. Well, I've tried the physical removal. Use a gravel vac to suck up as much as possible from the sand and rocks. Use a clean sponge to get any off the bottom part of the glass. Cleaning the filter media constantly to keep nutrients down....blah, blah, blah. Oh, it worked all right, but it took over a month for this to go away. The next tank I set up, the cyano reared it's ugly head and I got lazy and used Red Slime remover. Worked like a charm, didn't hurt anything, not the biological filter, not the corals or flower anemone, and the red slime was gone in 2 days! I will never go back to the physical removal.
Now I've heard of people using a regular antibiotic in place of the RS remover, but then, I've heard of some problems doing this too, so I that's kinda iffy. You can check around at RC, do a search and see what you come up with.......

Good luck!

ms dee

Small Fish
Feb 24, 2003
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Thanks Kim the information you gave me help a lot.
Now I have another question, I feed my fish this moring like always check out the tank everythings looks good. around about noon came down to watch my fish . Love towatch them in their world helps me to think and relax. sorry got carried away. An I notice this thing on the glass at frist I thought it was a snail. no not a snail had no shell. it's about an inch long has like groves in the body. like grow plates. only way to describe it. It was eating alge of glass. second question my bulb anemone has went inside cant set it at all was out early.