Have you ever been afraid fo the aquarium water?

Yes, very odd question isn't it?

I have a 2.5 gallon betta tank with a couple female bettas and one male betta, well a fish died probably a week ago or longer and i didn't notice, it's body was torn up and disinigrated by the filter and then the tnak was covered by algae all in a week. This morning i was very bored and dicided to clean the misserable tank, cuz it started to scare me LOL, well i went near the tnak took the top off and i almost threw up it smelled horrbile, worse than rotten eggs, puke, sewers, swamps, feces, everything it was horrbile!! So i dumped aLl the wqater out cleaned the gravel, cleaned the snails, the filter everything, it was really bad!!


Large Fish
Jan 3, 2003
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The tank will have to cycle all over again though. the smell was proably from decaying organic matter in the tank. I would have done a sizeable water change, before I nuked the tank.