haven't been around in a while

Sep 19, 2006
i have a 26 gallon bowed tank ... which i have to restart. In it i saved a neighbors silver dollar( which never grew, even though i've had it for a while) and some kind of other fish which almosts looks like a stripped catfish almost ( which never gotten big) I would love to add more fish im just not sure what? I understand that the silver dollar is diffently a schooling fish, but there is no way i'm going to be able to fit full grown SD's in there. Any suggestions on anything? I would love to have some active colorful fish.


Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
Several of the less aggressive barbs, like Goldens can be REALLY really neat to look at, full of color, very active and generally not that aggressive. I'm a big big fan of large schools of small tetra as well and many many tetra are some of the most interesting and attractive fish out there. Your Silver dollar can be a little aggressive though so you wanna make sure you put other schools in slowly and put schools of things in there that will be able to stand up for themselves like less aggressive barbs and larger tetras like Buenos Aires (personal favorites of mine)