okay i have been thinking alot about the 90 gal and how nice it would look with my severum and another medium sized cichlid. the angels that i have in there now are starting to get bigger and so is the severum and it just looks like alot of fish in there to me. so i have been doing alot of research on different medium sized cichlids and i just cant make a decision on what i like (they all are so nice) so i am asking for all your opinions on what would look nice and live comfortable in the size tank i have with the severum. so what are everyones ideas!!!!!
ps- i don't have a problem with getting rid of the kribs either. but i would like to keep all the bottoms feeders though. if its possible
ps- i don't have a problem with getting rid of the kribs either. but i would like to keep all the bottoms feeders though. if its possible