Having big issues! Please help!

Feb 11, 2013
Well where to start, we did our first water change two days ago with a 55 g tank. My husband however wasn't paying attention and added water conditioner stuff that was for a whole 55 gallons, so the fish were swimming at the top of the tank, I figured they couldn't breath because of it so we took out some water and added new water without the conditioner. It didn't seem to help they all were still at the top, then his brilliant self decided to take them all out and put them in the feeder tank, which was a bad idea, we put them all back in their tank within minutes. But this morning we lost our little cighlid :( and all the other fish r now at the bottom of the tank not eating not swimming around not doing much at all. We have an Oscar cighlid, a jaguar cighlid, a cat fish , a clown knife and an algae eater. I'm scared and worried not sure what to do. I don't want to lose all my fish. Please help!!!


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; A number of potential things to consider. As you mention the use of a water conditioner is suspect but may not be the only thing to look at.
Depending on how much water was changed, there could be a great enough temperature difference to cause potential problems. Sudden large temperature shifts can be stressful.
The containers/hoses and such used for water changes can be contaminated. I use buckets, hoses, sponges and such that are only for my tanks and are not used for anything else. It is also possible for things to accidently get into buckets.
While I do not use water conditioning chemicals myself, I have read in posts of those that do that they will mix the chemicals in containers with fresh tapwater before adding to a tank. Others have mentioned adding the chemicals directly to tanks. Perhaps those that use the chemicals will post their methods.
Good luck

Feb 11, 2013
Thank u

Hey thanks so much, but we just tested our water and everything is normal, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph levels.... So now what?? Could one of the fish be sick? All their eyes r real cloudy, they r all on the bottom of the tank, a few of them have this slim coat on them, its not ich because we treated one of our fish already and he got better from it. I don't want them all to die, I don't know what to do.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Could you please give us the exact numbers for the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and what was the temp of the water before and after the water change.