He hates me!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have had three bettas. Merlyn, Tovi and Trumpet. Both Merlyn and Tovi acted like puppies. They loved me. They would follow my finger, jump for food.... even if I didn't want them to lol. But Trumpet just doesn't seem to like me. It really bothers me now that he's my only betta.

No offense to the cat lovers, but he reminds me of a snobby cat! He backs away from my finger, won't eat food if he sees my finger present, etc. He's happy, tho. He has bubblenests. I don't want to divide the tank again cuz the side without the filter hardly got filtered cuz the divider is rather crappy... but the best i could find at Petco, but I either want another fish that likes me and still keep Trumpet, or get rid of Trumpet. Is there anything I can do that will help him like me?

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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bettas each have personalities. my first betta was just like that. he was a brat. he'd turn his butt to me whenever I came around, and he was like that until he died. sorry he doesn't like you, but you can keep loving him if you have a better divider, though. I was planning on making one with plastic canvas. Just think a bit and you'll come up with a way to divide it so that you have lots of flow through.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Try some different food. Freeze dried bloodworms, frozen mosquito larvie, the best way to your betta's heart is his stomac ;) (Just like me)

It is likely not you, but his breeder that gave him that behavior, or just his nature. Getting rid of Trumpet because of who he is is a little harsh for him, because you never know where he will end up and if he will get proper care.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah I really don't have the heart to give him back to Petco... I guess I'll just hafta put up with him and see if I can find food he loves.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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thats the way to do it:D the betta i had that just died(monarch) never liked me when i first started keeping him. it got me really mad at the time but he warmed up slowly, just keep trying, and the food thing would probably help his attitude too:D


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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I sometimes feed Lancelot with a dropper or spoon when I give him brine shrimp, he prefers the spoon. Since I have had him in my bedroom I can't sit by the tank anymore, so he hates it when I "hover" over the tank to feed him, and swims quickly in the opposite direction! But he is getting better! He is so mischevious it's hilarious, especially when he "plays" in the water stream from the Bio wheel, loves it, he swims full speed from one end of the tank to the stream just so he can prove he is a tough guy! Too funny, I love watching him! Fortunately he does like me thank God!



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
lol I remember when Merlyn would do that with the filter. Tovi would too. Sometimes Trumpet does, but not the way Merlyn and Tovi did. I think I may have figured something out. The cylinder thing that suck in the water from the filter looks kinda like a giant finger. He'll just sit and stare at it or curl around the top part that doesnt suck water a lot. Does he think that the filter is me??


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Who knows! Bettas are weird and wonderful. My Finchy tries to get in the way when I use the gravel vacume to clean his tank.

Thats one of the wonderful things about bettas, they are not afraid of us giants unless we do something on purpose to scare them.