heater broked, all fish (but 2) died.


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2003
Canada/Hong Kong
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Today my 20Gallon tank showed a whooping 100F and a heater that wouldn't shut off.

All of the fish died. An Golden Algae Eater and a expansive fish (i have no mood to try to remember its name) where the only survivers. Its funny they seem to be happy even at such hot temperature. I presume that they ate the corpse of the neon tetra that I couldn't find.

Before I tell u my real problems, I must say that these fishes had been with me for over 1 year and I feel very unhappy that they can no longer be with me.

Now I want to start a new 40-50 gallon tank, (with a digital heater this time!)

The problems:

I want to put the new tank where the current one is. But this means that I must move the 20 gallon tank. Now moving the tank is easy if there are no fish/water in it, but I can't move such a heavy tank and my surviving fish needs to live in it while the new tank is cycled.

My house is small, so I only have 1 suitable place for a big tank (where my current one is). I plan to move the tank with 3/4 water and take out the gravels and decorations. Althought so many fish died this morning, the water looks clean and the filter is only 1 week old. I have no plans to remove the fish from the current until the new one is fully cycled.

How heavy do u think 15 gallons of water is? I remember it is something like 2 ibs per gallon or something. What things should I look into?


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Originally posted by EDO

How heavy do u think 15 gallons of water is? I remember it is something like 2 ibs per gallon or something. What things should I look into?
I think closer to 10 lbs per gallon is good assumption.

You can take the water and fish out and put in a bucket. Then move the tank at a far lighter weight. Then put the water and fish back in the 20gal.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss...:(


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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yes. it sucks to see fish die because of mechanical error.:(

flex has the right idea though, get 4-5 5gal buckets and empty the tank water in to them.(dont dump it) put the fish in one of the buckets, move the empty tank, then fill it back up with the water in the buckets and put your fish in. a gallon of water weighs about 8 pounds. 15 gallons= 120 pounds, which is moveable but you have a better chance of the tank cracking or breaking with that much weight in it. good luck!:D