Heater for 37g tank.


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2003
Buffalo Grove, IL
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Right now I have a 150 watt heater in my 37g tank. Normally it keeps the tank at 78 no problem. This morning, the temp was down to 74 and it is running constantly.

Whats a good rule of thumb for getting a heater (5w/gal)?

Should I get replace this heater or get a 2nd one?

The tank is in a pretty cool room, but then again this time of year here in Chicago...every room is cold.


Small Fish
Feb 20, 2003
Cary, North Carolina
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Sounds to me like you've got a heater that isn't working quite right. A 150w shouldn't have any trouble keeping a tank as much as 50 degrees over room temp. Maybe one or more of the elements has burned out? I'd replace that heater with a new one of the same size, or the safer thing to do would be to go with 2 100w heaters. That way if one stops working, the other one can pretty much carry the load long enough for the broken one to be replaced. That is how I have my 55g set up... 2 heaters, 2 filters, one of each of them is also on a UPS just in case the power drops for more than a couple minutes.
